Pre-Registration Information Fall 2023
Important Dates to Remember
The most vital step in applying for federal grants, Work Study and loans for college is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The FAFSA launched on Oct. 1 and can be found online at studentaid.gov. For the upcoming 2023-2024 award year, students and parents will report their 2021 income and tax information. Students or parents who file taxes are encouraged to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when completing the FAFSA.
One and done? Not quite! The FAFSA form only covers a single academic year, so you’ll need to fill out a new form every year. Don’t delay — do it today!
Students and parents are invited to visit the UM Student Aid Office for FAFSA filing assistance, accessibly located on the ground floor of Palmer Hall. The office is open between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. They are ready and happy to help!
Pre-Registration Information Fall 2023
The pre-registration period is set aside for currently enrolled students. Enrolled students must meet with their advisor before pre-registration and plan their upcoming schedule. Students should contact their advisors to schedule appointments. Students will not be able to register via Banner Self-Service until their advisor has cleared them to register. Students with a declared major who have not been assigned an advisor should contact the departmental office of their major. Students without a declared major should contact the general studies advisor in the Falcon Success Center in Van Tuyll House by calling 205-665-6450. Students must follow the procedures listed below to complete the pre-registration process.
1 – Check your student account for any HOLDS. You will not be able to register if you have a hold on your account. Holds are applied to a student’s account for a variety of reasons including student conduct sanctions, health forms/test results and unpaid fees. Remind your student to check their account a few weeks before registration begins to see if a hold has been applied to their account. This can be seen by going into Banner Self-Service. Until a hold is removed, students cannot register for classes or drop/add classes after they register.
2 – Meet with your academic advisor to plan your schedule.
3 – Your advisor will enter a PIN number that allows you to register for classes.
4 – Register for classes (according to the schedule below) by logging into Banner Self-Service via the link at the bottom of the zhenrenqi.com webpage. For detailed instructions about the registration process, visit the Registrar’s webpage: zhenrenqi.com/forum-banner-self-service-registration-instructions.
Pre-Registration Schedule for Fall 2023 Classes
April 10 – Pre-registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students at 7 a.m.
April 12 – Pre-registration begins for currently enrolled seniors at 7 a.m.
April 14 – Pre-registration begins for currently enrolled juniors at 7 a.m.
April 18 – Pre-registration begins for currently enrolled sophomores at 7 a.m.
April 20 – Pre-registration begins for currently enrolled freshmen at 7 a.m.
Students are responsible for understanding the registration process and for any classes that are added and/or dropped from their schedule.
Important Dates to Remember
Feb. 8-11 College Night and Homecoming activities
Feb. 10 No classes
Feb. 27 Mid-semester week begins
March 13 Last day for course or semester withdrawal
March 24 Spring Holidays for students and faculty begin at 5 p.m.
April 3 Classes resume
April 10 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled graduate students/Summer 2023 registration remains open
April 12 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled seniors
April 14 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled juniors
April 18 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled sophomores
April 20 Fall 2023 registration begins for currently enrolled freshmen
April 27-28 Classes meet as scheduled; no exams or quizzes administered or other graded assignments due
May 1-5 Final exams
May 6 Spring Commencement (TBA)